RDL D-A2 passive audio output assembly provides one or two unbalanced consumer level audio outputs from a balanced line-level audio source. It may be connected to the +4 dBu line level output of any RDL product, even if that output is simultaneously feeding other equipment. The output jacks are transformer isolated from the balanced line input, and the input shield is separated from the case ground to reduce the possibility of induced hum. It will fit into back boxes to fit cabinets or walls, or may be mounted directly into cabinets or most standard single gang boxes.
Radio Design Labs/RDL is a manufacturer of electronic audio, video and control products headquartered in Prescott, AZ. Their products are used in commercial and residential audio and video installations and in broadcast and recording facilities. The company is known as the pioneer of application-specific electronic modules including STICK-ON, RACK-UP and FLAT-PAK.